
Hopewell Memorial Post 146 - 804-541-3735




General: The American Legion offers various scholarships for high school age students for special programs and for those interested in pursuing a academic degree. 


The American Legion Hopewell Memorial Post 146 Scholarship in Memory of Daniel W. Barbee (Local Area Residents):

·    This $2,000 scholarship is available for citizens of Hopewell, Petersburg, Colonial Heights, Prince George County, Dinwiddie County and Chesterfield County. Priority may be given to citizens who are the child or grandchild of a member of the American Legion Hopewell Memorial Post 146.

·    Applicants must:
-  Be attending or express an interest in attending college as a full-time or part-time undergraduate student (at least 6 hours per semester);
-  High School applicant must have a cumulative G.P.A of 3.0 or higher;
-  Student currently attending a two or four year institution of higher education must be in good standing (a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is considered to be in good standing);
-  Submit a completed “John Randolph Foundation Scholarship Application” ONLINE to include the required documents which must be uploaded with the application;
-  Exhibit good citizenship (as evidenced by letters of recommendation from three sources);
-  Provide a copy of a current American Legion Post membership letter or membership card when submitting required attachments;
-  Demonstrate financial need; and
-  Demonstrate commitment to the community through volunteer service.

·    The application must be submitted online at johnrandolphfoundation.org. and is open yearly from November to February.  All required documents must be attached to the online application. The deadline for the submission of the online application is 4:00 PM on February 15.


The LUCIAN BUTLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND (Virginia residents only)  :

·    To be eligible, candidates must be high school boys and girls who are sons/step-sons, daughters/step-daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters of members of the Virginia American Legion family who exemplify the spirit of the American Legion and true American values, and have been admitted to an accredited four year college or university.  

·    Current scholarships are limited to those entering the college freshman class for Academic Year 2020. 

·   Applications must be typed or completed online at www.valegion.org. Application forms are on-line under Programs/Scholarships. If submitting form on-line, do not use internet explorer as there are difficulties entering data in some fields.

·    The scholarship deadline. If mailed, must be postmarked no later than 1 March.  If submitted online, deadline is no later than midnight 1 March.



American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government.

Boys State has been a program of The American Legion since 1935 when it organized to counter the Fascist inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.

Virginia Boys State is a leadership action program designed to develop a young person's working knowledge of the structure of government and to impress upon them the fact that our government is just what we make it. In this program, participants have the opportunity to learn the political process by actually doing it. Each level of government is run by those delegates elected to serve in a variety of positions. Many have the opportunity to interact with adultys actually serving in the position to which the student was elected. Instruction covers the law and court system, parliamentary procedure and Virginia political history.

High school juniors are selected to attend the program prior to their senior year by American Legion Post 146 in coordination with Hopewell High School teachers and academic counselors. Expenses associated with attending this program are paid by Post 146 and also from donations received from other community organizations.

Detailed information about the Virginia Boys State Program is available at: https://www.vaboysstate.org/

The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a similar program for young ladies called Girls State. Information concerning the Virginia Girls State Program may be found at:  https://www.vagirlsstate.org/



Those eligible to apply for the scholarship shall be the child/children or legally adopted child/children or a child of a spouse by a prior marriage or dependent child as defined by the United States Armed Services of active duty United States military and National Guard, and military reservists who were federalized and die on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. The applicant must be a high school senior or high school graduate to apply for the scholarship. Scholarship is for undergraduate study at an accredited institution of higher education within the United States.

While children of fallen Post-9/11 service members remain the primary beneficiaries of the scholarship, children of Post-9/11 veterans having been assigned a VA-rated disability rating of 50% or greater are now eligible to apply. Awards are completely needs-based, and an applicant may receive up to $20,000 per year for applicable education expenses. Proof of eligibility and financial need will be required as part of the application process.

The American Legion Legacy Scholarship application is completely online and must be post marked no later than April 15.  This is also a yearly renewable scholarship.  


The SAMSUNG SCHOLARSHIP (national level – MUST BE A BOYS OR GIRLS STATE Delegate to apply):


Eligibility is limited to those high school juniors who complete either the Boys State or Girls State program and are pursing undergraduate study after graduation, and are a direct descendant – i.e. child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. – or a legally adopted child of a wartime veteran who served on active duty during at least one of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for American Legion membership.  Proof of Military service is required      

Samsung scholarships are for undergraduate study only and may be used for tuition, books, fees, and room and board. Winners are selected according to academic record, involvement in school and community activities, community service and financial need. Applicants who are direct descendants of Korean War veterans will receive special consideration.

Ten national scholars (two from each region) will receive $10,000 each. Ten national runners-up (two from each region) will receive $5,000 each. The remaining department finalists will receive a guaranteed $1,250 scholarship.

Winning applicants are normally notified at the end of the Boys or Girls State programs.  All departments are required to submit their nominees to National Headquarters no later than August 1st of each year.

The on-line application ONLY opens no-later-than February 1st each year and is usually submitted to program staff upon participants’ arrival at Boys or Girls State.